星期一, 二月 13, 2006




但是,谴责丹麦的做法,并不意味我认同政府吊销《砂拉越论坛报》(Sarawak Tribune)的出版准证。砂拉越论坛报因为转载了该幅漫画,被马来西亚政府下令停刊。大马人权委员会(SUHAKAM)委员,Hamdan Adnan也赞同政府吊销该报执照的做法。然而,我坚决反对这种由政府决定对错,并对媒体执行赏罚的做法。如果大家觉得《砂拉越论坛报》转载那幅漫画有问题,也不接受他们的道歉,大可控告该报,由法庭来裁决。我们有足够的法律来处理类似的问题。



At 7:05 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

yes, and the people who were there were really young!

At 8:47 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

I am Chee Kean. Not my intention to say who is right and who is wrong. But, it is definitely a shame when you see thousands of so called Islam devoters smashing the windows, throwing stones, burning Danish flag, asking for the head of the writer...etc. These uncivilised acts shouldn't be from religious people who are exposed to good teachings. Use the mouth and brain to communicate, don't resort to violence! Btw, a thought provocating question: Would you, as a Buddhist who see the picture of Buddha on the cover of a disco CD from Hong Kong in pasar malam go and burn the Hong Kong flag? Would you also go to dismantle their embassy? would you ask for the head of the publisher?

At 6:44 下午, Blogger Chang Lih Kang 郑立慷 said...

Kean, 如果要“挖掘”佛教的“极端事件”,可以参考由何劲松著,社会科学文献出版社出版的《近代东亚佛教》。你会发现日本佛教的绝大部分宗派都曾不同程度地为日本帝国主义发动的侵略战争服务过。这些佛教宗派不仅为日本军国主义思想提供理论依据,同时还充当起日本军国主义对外侵略的帮凶。


At 9:47 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Chee Kean again here. I think you misunderstood me a bit. I am not saying that extremist Buddhists haven't done anything stupid. I am putting it in a general context. What I am saying is: well, is there a need to do such things when some silly goats do some silly thing to your religion?

At 10:49 上午, Blogger Chang Lih Kang 郑立慷 said...

Yalah, you and I understand there is no need to do such things. In fact i did say earlier in my article, "我虽然觉得没有必要把时间浪费在回应这种无聊的漫画上...". But the context is, I am not one of them (Muslim).

So, if those ppl want to vent their anger, I think it is also understandable. (Of course i don't agree with smashing windows or throwing stones)

The question u asked me:"Would you, as a Buddhist who see the picture of Buddha on the cover of a disco CD from Hong Kong in pasar malam go and burn the Hong Kong flag?" Of course I won't (if I am a Buddhist, haha). But I am not so sure about others who share the same religion with me.

What I am trying to say is, everything is so diverse. Even within Islam, there are difference of opinion. So, we should always whack the conservative part of the religion, but encourage the progressive faction, rather than grouping them all together in one.

At 6:09 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

I agreed what you have mentioned in the last section of your article.
Jyllands Posten is practicing its press freedom and wanted to bring up the awareness of all human.
Please read this website : www.faithfreedom.org you will understand why they do this.
On the Japan Buddhist issue, I can't understand how people can call them as extremist Buddhist? As I know once you are extremist you are no more buddhist! you are evil!

At 10:49 下午, Blogger Chang Lih Kang 郑立慷 said...

come on la, that's ur view what. In many Muslims' opinion, they will tell u the same story - once u are extremist, u are no more Muslim.

So, who is the real Buddist or Muslim?

At 5:58 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Please read the web properly you will know extremist is allow in the religion no body shall question it. But for Buddhism it is clear that 'not killing' is the first precept to observe.



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